Responsible Ownership of Your German Shepherd Dog
Respecting Man's Best Friend...

"A righteous man regards the life of his animal, But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."
  ― Proverbs 12:10

"The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest..." ― Martin Luther, Theologian and Reformer

I am your German Shepherd

Responsible Pet Ownership from the
American Veterinary Medical Association

OWNING A PET IS A PRIVILEGE and should result in a beneficial relationship for both the owner and pet. However, the benefits of pet ownership come with obligations, and responsible pet owners provide for their pet’s needs in many ways.

CHOOSE WISELY and void impulsive decisions about obtaining a pet, and carefully select a pet that’s suited to your home and lifestyle.

MAKE A COMMITMENT and make plans for the full lifespan of your pet!

MAKE AN INVESTMENT and recognize that pet ownership requires an investment of time and money.

KNOW YOUR LIMITS and keep only the breed, type and number of pets for which an appropriate and safe environment can be provided, including appropriate food, water, shelter, health care and companionship.

KEEP YOUR PET HEALTHY AND HAPPY and partner with your veterinarian to preserve and protect your pet’s long-term health. Provide preventive care, such as regular examinations, vaccinations and parasite control. Work with your veterinarian to provide timely and appropriate treatment for your pet’s illnesses and injuries. Provide exercise and mental stimulation appropriate to your pet’s age, breed and health status. Socialize and train your pet, which improves their wellbeing and the well-being of other animals and people.

BE RESPONSIBLE and prevent your pet from negatively impacting other people, animals and the environment through proper waste disposal, noise control, and not allowing your pet to stray or become feral. Do your part to address our country’s pet overpopulation problem and avoid unplanned breeding through spay/neuter at an appropriate time, containment, or managed breeding.

PREPARE FOR THE UNEXPECTED and make sure your pet is properly identified (i.e., tags, microchips, tattoos, clear photographs) and that the registration information in associated databases is kept up-to-date. Prepare in advance to ensure your pet’s well-being in the case of an emergency or disaster, including assembling an evacuation kit. Make alternate arrangements if you can no longer provide care for your pet.

KNOW WHEN IT’S TIME and recognize any decline in your pet’s quality of life and make timely decisions in consultation with a veterinarian.

Responsible Pet Ownership Printable Flyer
WALTHAM Pocket Book of Responsible Pet Ownership

More Pet Ownership Resources

The Role of Pets in Human Healthy Active Aging
WALTHAM Pocket Book of Essential Nutrition for Cats and Dogs
WALTHAM Pocket Book of Healthy Weight Maintenance for Cats and Dogs
WALTHAM Pocket Book of Human Animal Interactions
WALTHAM Pocket Book of Puppy Nutrition and Care

Dog owners bear a special responsibility to their canine companions to provide proper care and humane treatment at all times. The American Kennel Club (AKC) and its member clubs understand the challenges in creating effective animal control ordinances for a community. That is why we support laws that target irresponsible dog owners and substandard animal care. These are the issues that need to be addressed in any law seeking to regulate substandard kennels. Regulations such as limit laws and stringent engineering requirements, however, are ineffective, difficult to enforce, and unfair to responsible dog owners. Government officials should instead focus on reasonable, enforceable legislation to crack down on irresponsible owners without punishing responsible breeders.

AKC SUPPORTS ANIMAL CRUELTY LAWS AND STANDARDS OF CARE The heartbreaking stories and pictures of mistreated dogs are not the result of an individual owning too many dogs. They are the result of irresponsible owners who are unable and/or unwilling to properly care for their animals. The AKC strongly opposes the breeding of dogs by those who do so without regard for the dogs’ welfare.

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